Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Uses, Ingredients, Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, Price, Reviews @ Arogya Anand


Embrace Holistic Wellness with Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha: Your Key to Healthy Respiratory Function

You can get rid of your inhaler pump by using Ayushwaas and other medicines. Are you ready?

Elements Wellness Ayushwaas
Elements Wellness Ayushwaas: Benefits and Uses

In today's fast-pacing world, respiratory problems are more common due to the modern lifestyle and poor dietary choices. 

Issues such as shortness of breath during physical activities, asthma-related difficulties, and respiratory tract infections are prevalent concerns affecting many individuals. 

However, there's a solution that stands out from the rest—Elements Wellness Ayushwaas

This exceptional herbal supplement is specifically designed to promote long-term respiratory support, effectively manage conditions like asthma and allergic bronchitis, and enhance overall lung function. 

Let's delve deeper into the benefits and features of Elements Wellness Ayushwaas and how Ayushvas can help you breathe easier.

What is Ayushwaas?

Elements Wellness presents Ayushwaas Avaleha 250 gms, a transformative formulation rooted in ancient wisdom and enriched with natural ingredients. 

Immerse yourself in the extraordinary healing power of Ayurveda and embrace a journey towards holistic well-being with this exceptional product.

Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha 250 gms is a unique and powerful Ayurvedic formulation meticulously crafted to nurture your well-being from within. 

Drawing inspiration from traditional Ayurvedic principles, this exquisite blend combines potent natural ingredients to promote respiration, vitality, rejuvenation, and overall health.

Unveiling the Power of Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha 250 gms:

Elements Wellness Ayushwaas is a one-of-a-kind herbal formulation that offers a holistic approach to respiratory health. 

Made from 100% natural ingredients including Munakka, Sirisa, Vasa, Mulethi, Daru Haridra, SomlataKantakari, and more, this supplement works synergistically to boost blood vessels and improve respiratory function

By providing relief from conditions such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, and even asthma, Ayushwaas aims to alleviate discomfort and promote a healthier respiratory system.

Ingredients in Elements Ayushwaas (Ayushwaas Composition):

Ayushwaas Elements ingredients are as follows:

Munakka (Vitis vinifera): 

Munakka, or dried grapes, is a rich source of antioxidants and nutrients. It is known for its rejuvenating and strengthening properties. It helps improve respiratory health and boosts immunity.

Sirisa (Albizia lebbeck): 

Sirisa, Siris, or Albizia, is valued for its anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. It is used to treat respiratory disorders like cough, bronchitis, and asthma.

Somlata (Ephedra sp.): 

Somlata, or Ephedra, has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for its bronchodilator and expectorant properties. It helps in relieving respiratory congestion and improving breathing.

Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum): 

Kantakari, or Yellow-fruit nightshade, is highly regarded in Ayurveda for its expectorant and bronchodilator properties (expel phlegm and dilate the windpipe). It helps in the management of respiratory ailments, including cough, bronchitis, and asthma.

Vasa (Adhatoda vasica): 

Vasa, or Malabar nut, is a well-known herb used in Ayurvedic medicine for respiratory conditions. It possesses bronchodilator and mucolytic properties (expel phlegm and dilate the windpipe), making it effective in managing cough, cold, and asthma.

Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra): 

Mulethi, or Licorice, has been used for centuries for its soothing and expectorant properties. It helps in relieving cough, sore throat, and respiratory congestion.

Daru Haridra (Berberis aristata): 

Daru Haridra, or Indian Barberry, is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat respiratory infections and allergies.

Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi): 

Jatamansi, or Spikenard, is valued for its calming and sedative properties. It is used to alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia, which can indirectly benefit respiratory health.

Tagar (Valeriana wallichii): 

Tagar, or Indian Valerian, is a herb widely used for its calming and sedative properties. It is beneficial in reducing anxiety, promoting better sleep, and relieving stress-related respiratory symptoms.


Honey is a natural sweetener produced by bees from flower nectar. It has various health benefits, including soothing properties for the respiratory system. 

Honey is known to help alleviate cough, soothe sore throat, and provide relief from respiratory congestion. It is often used as a natural ingredient in respiratory remedies.

These herbs have been used in traditional medicine systems for their therapeutic properties, and their inclusion in Elements Wellness Ayushwaas contributes to their effectiveness in promoting respiratory health.

Elements Ayushwaas: Benefits and Key Features (What are the benefits of Ayushwaas elements?)

Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha's benefits and key features are as follows -

1. Healthy Respiratory Functionality: 

Elements Wellness Ayushwaas supports and maintains the optimal functioning of your respiratory system, helping you breathe freely.

2. Relief from Asthma and Respiratory Complications: 

With its carefully selected herbal ingredients, Ayushwaas effectively manages asthma and other respiratory complications, providing much-needed relief.

3. Strengthening Lung Tissues: 

Regular use of Ayushwaas helps strengthen and improve the resilience of your lung tissues, reducing the risk of respiratory issues.

4. Anti-Allergy Activity: 

The powerful blend of herbal ingredients in Ayushwaas exhibits anti-allergy properties, shielding you from allergens that may trigger respiratory distress.

5. Infection Protection and Calming Effect: 

Ayushwaas not only protects against respiratory infections but also promotes a sense of calmness and relaxation.

6. Natural Ingredients: 

At Elements Wellness, we believe in the healing properties of nature. Ayushwaas is crafted with a selection of potent herbal extracts, minerals, and natural ingredients known for their therapeutic benefits. Each component works synergistically to promote optimal health and vitality.

7. Rejuvenation and Vitality: 

This Ayurvedic formulation is specifically tailored to enhance rejuvenation and vitality. Experience renewed energy and vigor as Ayushwaas Avaleha nourishes your body, fortifies your immune system, and revitalizes your overall well-being.

8. Easy to Incorporate: 

Ayushwaas Avaleha offers convenience and ease of use. Simply follow the recommended dosage instructions to incorporate this transformative formulation into your daily routine, empowering you to take charge of your well-being effortlessly.

Order Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Online at Arogya Anand:

Finding a reliable and cost-effective source to purchase your wellness products is crucial. 

Arogya Anand offers Elements Wellness Ayushwaas at a budget-friendly price, ensuring you receive the best value for your money. 

By choosing Arogya Anand, you can rest assured that you are getting a genuine, 100% vegetarian, and safe supplement for your respiratory needs along with follow-up and free consultation.

Elements Ayushwaas Price:

Ayushwaas Elements price (MRP) - Rs. 1300/- for one bottle or jar.

Contact us for cashback, discounts, and more offerings.

Indications (Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Uses):

The recommendations of Ayushwaas of Elements Wellness uses are as follows -

As a solution for respiratory complications:

  • Rhinitis 
  • Pharyngitis 
  • Sinusitis 
  • Asthma 
  • Chronic cold or cough 
  • Allergic sneezing
  • Allergic bronchitis
It is useful in respiratory distress, runny nose, throat issues, hoarse voice, and sinus problems.

As holistic well-being:

  • To maintain the optimal functioning of the respiratory system to breathe freely.
  • For strengthening lung tissue for heavy demands or physical activities, such as athletes, etc.

Elements Ayushwaas Dosage:

Elements Wellness Ayushwaas is suitable for both adults and children. The recommended dosage is as follows:
  • For Adults: 10 gms (2 TSF)
  • For Children: 5 gms (1 TSF)
Consult your physician for personalized dosage instructions.

How to Use Elements Ayushwaas? (Usage Instructions):

Incorporating Ayushwaas Avaleha 250 gms into your routine is simple and seamless. Follow these steps for optimal results:

  • Take the recommended dosage as directed by your physician or as mentioned on the packaging.
  • Consume the Avaleha orally, twice a day, preferably on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime at night.
  • It can be mixed with hot water, milk, tea, or coffee before sipping.
  • Alternatively, spread 1-2 teaspoons of Ayushwaas on biscuits, bread, or chapati for a convenient and tasty consumption method.
  • Allow the Ayurvedic formulation to be absorbed by your body, enabling it to work its magic from within.
  • Incorporate Ayushwaas Avaleha into your daily wellness regimen consistently for sustained benefits.
  • If you have breathing problems, please use it regularly as recommended, for 4 weeks or more. 

Elements Ayushwaas Side Effects:

Due to its selected herbal and natural ingredients and manufacturing technique Elements Wellness Ayushwaas is very safe for anyone. 

It does not contain any steroid so it is free from any side effects. 

However, in case of individual allergies to some of its contents, stop the usage and consult with your physician. 

Precautions for using Ayushwaas:

Precautions for using Ayushwaas Avaleh are as follows:
  • Storage advice: Store Ayushwaas bottle in a Cool and Dry Place to maintain its quality and effectiveness.
  • Air-tight: Ensure it is tightly sealed after each use to prevent any moisture from affecting the supplement.
  • Ayushwaas Avaleha is a dietary supplement. Always consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or physician before incorporating any new dietary supplements into your routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions, are pregnant or lactating, or are taking other medications.

Other Specifications:

  • Country of origin: Made in India.
  • Before being introduced by Elements Wellness, the Ayushwaas were tested with thousands of consumers.
  • 100% vegetarian.
  • Ayushwaas company: Marketed by - Mi Lifestyle Global Marketing Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.
  • Ayushwaas Quantity: 250 gm avaleha or ayurvedic herbal paste in a plastic jar/wide mouth bottle.

Conclusion (Invest in Your Holistic Well-being Today):

Embrace the profound wisdom of Ayurveda and experience the transformative power of Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha 250 gms. 

Unlock a holistic approach to wellness and vitality as you nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Step into a world of balance, rejuvenation, and optimal respiratory health. 

Purchase your jar of Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha 250 gms today and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being!

Elements Wellness Ayushwaas is a breakthrough supplement dedicated to enhancing your respiratory health and overall well-being. 

With its unique blend of herbal ingredients, it offers relief from respiratory issues, strengthens lung tissues, and protects against infections. 

Take the first step towards healthier breathing by ordering Elements Wellness Ayushwaas online from Arogya Anand today. 

Breathe freely and live life to the fullest with Ayushwaas—the key to your healthy respiratory function.

Why Choose Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha?

Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha stands out as a trusted wellness supplement due to several factors. 
  • It is crafted with high-quality ingredients sourced from nature. 
  • The manufacturing process follows stringent quality control measures to ensure purity and efficacy.
  • Elements Wellness has established a reputation for producing reliable and authentic Ayurvedic products, making Ayushwaas Avaleha a preferred choice among health-conscious individuals.

Ayushwaas Customer Reviews, Results, or Testimonials:

Elements Ayushwaas review -
  • Customers who have used Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha have expressed their satisfaction with the product. 
  • They have reported positive experiences and noticeable improvements in their overall health and well-being. 
  • Many users appreciate the natural composition and the visible results they have achieved.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. Is Ayushwaas Avaleha suitable for all age groups?

Yes, Ayushwaas Avaleha is generally suitable for individuals of all age groups. However, it is recommended to consult your doctor for children, elderly individuals, and those with specific health concerns.

Q. How long does it take to experience the benefits of Ayushwaas Avaleha?

On average 2-8 weeks. However, the time taken to experience the benefits of Ayushwaas Avaleha may vary from person to person. Consistent and regular consumption, along with a healthy lifestyle, can contribute to noticeable improvements in well-being.

Q. Can Ayushwaas Avaleha be taken along with other medications?

Yes, it can be taken, but keep a gap of 1 hour. Alternatively, you may consult your doctor to take guidance on the suitability and potential interactions between Ayushwaas Avaleha and other medicines.

Q. Are there any side effects of Ayushwaas Avaleha?

Ayushwaas Avaleha is made from natural ingredients and is generally safe for consumption. However, some individuals may be sensitive to certain herbs or ingredients. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

Q. Where can I purchase Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha?

Elements Wellness Ayushwaas Avaleha can be purchased from authorized online platforms, leading e-commerce websites, or local Ayurvedic stores. Ensure you purchase from trusted sources to guarantee the authenticity and quality of the product.

Contact us or order us to grab your authentic product at a reasonable and Pocket-friendly price .


  • The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. 
  • Always consult your healthcare professional or Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance and recommendations based on your specific needs and circumstances.

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