Elements Wound Healing Cream: Results, Uses, Benefits, Review, Price, Side Effects @ Arogya Anand

👉 Are you searching for a natural, Ayurvedic wound healing cream or ointment that restores back the natural radiance of your skin?

👉 Do you want the healing of your burn wounds with no visible scar or marks of burn after the healing?

👉 Are you in search of a single solution to heal your wounds fast with soothing, analgesic, antibiotic, moisturizing, and clotting effects?

👉 Do you want to heal your frustrating diabetes wounds?

Look no further!

Elements Wellness presents Wound Healing Cream 25 gms, a specially formulated cream designed to accelerate the healing process, nourish your skin, and bring back its natural radiance.

Experience the results and transformative effects of this healing cream and witness the revitalization of your skin.

Accelerate Healing with Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream: A Natural Solution for Wounds, Burns, and Cuts

Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream
Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why A Wound Healing Cream?
  3. What is Wound Healing Cream
  4. Ingredients of Elements Wound Healing Cream
  5. 10 Benefits of Wound Healing Cream
  6. Elements Wound Healing Cream Results
  7. Indications or Uses of Elements Wound Healing Cream 
  8. How to Use Elements Wound Healing Cream?
  9. Precautions or Guidelines for Optimal Use
  10. Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream Side Effects
  11. Elements Wound Healing Cream Price
  12. Other Facts and Specifications
  13. Customer Reviews: Real Stories of Healing
  14. FAQs
  15. Elements Wound Healing Cream Video in Hindi
  16. Conclusion
  17. Disclaimer


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, minor injuries and wounds are inevitable. Whether it's a small cut, bruise, burn, or wound, finding an effective solution for quick and safe healing is crucial.

That's where Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream steps in, offering a natural and holistic approach to wound care that sets it apart from regular creams.

7 Reasons Why A Wound Healing Cream?

Healing is a natural process of the body for any wound repair. Then, why are wound healing creams or ointments needed for wound healing?

Here are seven reasons behind this -
  • The wound healing process may take time to repair the wound depending on the size and degree. A wound-healing cream helps in faster recovery by enhancing the cell-division process.
  • The wound may get contaminated resulting in pus forming, which further delays the healing process or may convert the injury into a non-healing wound or ulcer. A good wound-healing ointment has antimicrobial properties to control the infection in the injury.
  • The body increases blood supply to the site of the wound to repair it, causing inflammation, swelling, pain, and discomfort in that area. A quality wound-healing cream has anti-inflammatory properties to provide a soothing recovery.
  • There may be slight or more bleeding at the wound site. The best wound healing cream checks bleeding in the area by accelerating the clotting mechanism.
  • When healing progresses the area becomes harder and causes irritation or itching. A quality wound healer ointment has moisturizer effects for soothing healing and revitalizing skin.
  • A wound may leave a scar mark or burn mark after healing. An ointment like Elements Wound Healing Cream helps in reducing the number and size of visible scar marks.
  • In the case of Diabetic wounds, the expected recovery is usually extremely slow or the wound may not heal at all. Some herbs or Ayurvedic ointments have properties to heal diabetic wounds like Manjistha in Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream.

Understanding Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream (What is Wound Healing Cream)

Elements Wound Healing Cream is a unique blend of carefully selected ingredients to provide optimal wound healing support. This cream is formulated to promote the regeneration of damaged skin, soothe discomfort, and restore the vitality of your skin.

Ingredients (Elements Wound Healing Cream Composition)

Here are the ingredient of the Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream and their effects on wound healing:

1. Sal-Resins: 

Sal promotes astringent properties that help cleanse wounds and control bleeding, aiding in the initial stages of wound healing.

2. Ghrit Kumari (Aloe Vera): 

GhritKumari provides soothing relief, reduces inflammation, and supports the regeneration of damaged skin, promoting faster wound healing.

3. Manjistha: 

Manjistha possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, accelerating wound closure and minimizing the risk of infection.

4. Karanj: 

Karanj oil supports tissue repair, reduces pain, and aids in the formation of healthy new skin, contributing to the overall healing process.

5. Daru Haldi (Tree Turmeric/Indian Barberry): 

DaruHaldi's antiseptic and antioxidant properties promote wound sterilization, helping prevent infection and supporting wound healing from within.

6. Devdaru Oil (Cedarwood Oil): 

Devdaru oil's antiseptic and astringent properties aid in cleansing wounds, reducing inflammation, and supporting natural healing.

7. Tea Tree Oil: 

Tea tree oil possesses strong antimicrobial properties that help prevent infection, while its soothing qualities assist in reducing pain and inflammation, promoting a faster healing process.

8. Jasad Bhasma (Zinc Oxide): 

Jasad Bhasma is known for its wound healing and tissue regenerative properties. It aids in wound closure, minimizes scarring, and supports overall skin health, contributing to effective wound healing.

10 Benefits of Wound Healing Cream

Elements Wound Healing cream benefits are given below -

1. Promotes Wound Healing

Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream is specifically formulated to promote the healing process of wounds. The combination of ingredients works synergistically to accelerate tissue repair, minimize scarring, and support healthy skin regeneration.

2. Enriched with Natural Bio Actives

Elements Wound Healing Cream stands out for its rich composition of natural bio-actives. These components provide a multi-faceted approach to wound healing, addressing various aspects of the recovery process. From anti-microbial activity to moisturizing benefits, these bio-actives create an optimal environment for the skin's natural healing mechanisms to thrive.

3. Supporting Mitosis and Skin Building

One key factor in effective wound healing is the promotion of mitosis – the process of cell division that aids in regenerating damaged tissue. Elements Wound Healing Cream encourages this essential activity, helping to build new skin cells and gradually seal cuts and bruises. This promotes faster recovery and minimizes scarring, making it an ideal choice for those who value the aesthetics of healing.

4. Cooling and Pain Relief

The cooling sensation provided by Elements Wound Healing Cream offers more than just comfort. It actively reduces pain and inflammation associated with wounds, ensuring a smoother and less uncomfortable healing process. This feature makes the cream an invaluable addition to your first aid kit, especially when immediate relief is needed.

5. Clotting and Blood Loss Prevention

Another standout benefit of using Elements Wound Healing Cream is its ability to promote clotting and reduce blood loss. This is especially crucial for deeper wounds that may lead to excessive bleeding. By aiding in the clotting process, the cream helps prevent further blood loss and accelerates the healing journey.

6. Reduction in Pus Formation

It helps in reducing pus formation in wounds due to the antimicrobial effects of its bioactive ingredients.

7. Special Attention to Diabetic Wounds

Diabetes can complicate the healing process, making it vital to choose products that are specifically tailored for diabetic wound care. Elements Wound Healing Cream incorporates special Ayurvedic herbs, including Manjistha, renowned for promoting effective wound healing even among individuals with diabetes. This feature highlights the cream's commitment to inclusivity and holistic healing.

8. Nourishes and Hydrates

This healing cream provides effective nourishment and hydration to your skin. It replenishes essential nutrients, vitamins, and moisture, promoting skin health and enhancing its natural resilience.

9. Soothes Discomfort

The soothing properties of the Wound Healing Cream help alleviate discomfort associated with wounds, cuts, and abrasions. It provides a protective barrier that helps prevent infection, reducing redness and inflammation.

10. Revitalizes Skin

By promoting the healing of wounds, this cream revitalizes your skin, restoring its natural vitality and radiance. It helps to improve the overall texture and tone of your skin, giving you a healthier and more youthful appearance.

Elements Wound Healing Cream Results

There are numerous results of this miraculous cream. 

Indications (Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream Uses)

The Elements Wound Healing cream use is as follows -
  • For all types of small and general wounds like cuts, bruises, abrasions, avulsions, and lacerations. Consult your doctor if the wounds are deeper.
  • General burns (1st degree). Consult your doctor if burns are deep (2nd to 4th degree).
  • Diabetic wounds.
  • Abscesses (acute or chronic).
  • Skin rashes or blemishes.
  • Acne or pimples.

How to Use Elements Wound Healing Cream?

Incorporating Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream into your skincare routine is simple. Follow these steps for optimal results after elements wound healing cream use:
  • Cleanse the affected area with a mild cleanser and pat dry.
  • Apply a thin layer of the Wound Healing Cream directly to the wound or affected area.
  • Gently massage the cream into the skin until fully absorbed.
  • Use as directed by your doctor or follow the instructions provided on the packaging.

Precautions or Guidelines for Optimal Use

1. External Use Only

It's important to note that Elements Wound Healing Cream is intended for external use only. Avoid contact with the eyes to ensure safety and a comfortable healing experience.

2. Medical Supervision for Burn Wounds

For burn wounds ranging from 2nd to 4th degree, it is recommended to use the cream under medical supervision. This precaution ensures that the cream is applied correctly and in a controlled manner for optimal results.

3. Diabetic Wound Care

Individuals with diabetic wounds should consult a doctor if the wound does not show signs of healing after 2-3 applications. This step ensures that appropriate medical guidance is provided to address any unique challenges associated with diabetic wound healing.

4. Age and Application

Elements Wound Healing Cream is suitable for individuals aged 5 years and above. Apply the cream locally and cover it with a clean bandage. The amount applied should be sufficient to be fully absorbed into the skin.

5. Frequency of Application

For best results, apply the cream 2-3 times a day, adjusting the frequency based on the extent of the problem. Consistency in application contributes to a more effective healing process.

6. For Acute Abscesses

Apply wound healing cream with Elements No Vedna Gel to heal them faster before pus formation.

Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream Side Effects

Elements Wound Healing cream side effects have yet to be noticed. However, if anyone experiences any untoward effect after applying this ointment, stop using it, clean the area gently, and contact your dermatologist. Follow the proper precautions suggested above here.

Elements Wound Healing Cream Price

The price in MRP of Elements Wound Healing cream 25gms tube is Rs. 195/- only.
Contact us for cashback, discounts, and other offers.

Other Facts and Specifications

  • 100% veg and natural ayurvedic ointment for skin and wound healing.
  • It is available with the "Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine" label.
  • All ingredients are according to API/In-House specifications.
  • The herbs used in this product have strong scientific validation through published studies.
  • It is free from heavy metals and microbiological contents.
  • Elements Wound Healing Cream Quality - This cream is awarded the "Ayush Premium Mark" from the Quality Council of India. It is the best quality cream for wound healing available in India.
  • Elements Wound Healing cream expiry date - It comes with a long expiry date of 3 years.
  • Elements Wound healing cream original - see Elements Wellness logo and Ayush Premium Mark.
  • Elements Wound Healing Cream company name - Elements Wound Healing Cream Company is Mi Lifestyle Marketing Global Private Limited, Chennai.

Customer Reviews: Real Stories of Healing (Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream Review)

1. Dinesh Satyawali

"Awesome Results... It should add in our Medicine Box."


"A product which is 2 in 1 for burns and cuts without even the mark. Diabetics have got a solution for their slow healing."

3. Pravin Chavan

"I am a fan of this product, miraculous results of my best friend's daughter."

4. Rinki Boruah

"I say this cream as 'Magic Cream.' A must-product for every household. A must companion in a travel bag. Heals wounds & burns instantly while relieving the unbearable pain. The best part is the cut & burn marks disappear like magic. Fully Satisfied."


Q. Can I use Elements Wound Healing Cream on open wounds?

Yes, you can use it on an open wound. You may consult a dermatologist for proper care and healing.

Q. Is the cream suitable for children?

Yes, Elements Wound Healing Cream is safe for individuals aged 5 years and above.

Q. Can I apply the cream more than 3 times a day?

While applying the cream more frequently may not necessarily harm you, it's best to follow the recommended usage for optimal results.

Q. Is this cream tested for safety?

Yes, all Elements Wellness products, including the Wound Healing Cream, have been tested for safety and awarded the Ayush Premium Mark by the Quality Council of India.

Q. Can I use this cream alongside other medications?

It's advisable to maintain a gap of at least 2 hours between using Elements Wound Healing Cream and any other medications to ensure their effectiveness. If you have concerns, consult a physician.

Q. What are the uses of the Elements Wound Healing Cream for face?

It can be used for acne, pimples, rashes, blemishes, or wounds on the skin of the face. Clean the affected area and apply the cream gently avoiding contact with eyes. If using makeup, apply the cream before makeup application.

Q. Where is the Elements Wound Healing Cream available in India?

Elements Wound Healing cream is available at the company's stores all over India and on the online portal. You may order us to get Elements wound healing cream online quickly at your doorstep with our guidance, proper follow-ups, and many other benefits.

Elements Wound Healing Cream Video in Hindi

Conclusion (Invest in Your Skin's Recovery Today)

In a world where effective and natural solutions are a priority, Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream shines as a beacon of hope for those seeking optimal wound care. Its unique blend of natural bio-actives, coupled with its commitment to inclusivity and holistic healing, make it a valuable addition to your healing journey.

Embrace the power of Elements and experience a more rapid, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing healing process. Promote wound healing, restore your skin's vitality, and experience the transformative effects of this exceptional healing cream.

Take the first step towards healthier, rejuvenated skin by purchasing your tube of Elements Wellness Wound Healing Cream 25 gms today.


  • This content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your healthcare professional or dermatologist for advice specific to your skin condition or wound.
  • If you have any specific skin conditions or are allergic to any ingredients, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional or dermatologist before using any new skincare products.

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